life science

I use science to improve the health and lives of my patients!

I am a doctor of biological sciences in biophysics with in-depth education in the area of clinical and sports dietetics.

Throw me to the wolves and I'll come back commanding the PACK!

Ask a question

I am happy to answer questions from my patients. The answers are published on my website in the questions & answers section.
Dr. Ing. (PhD, EMBA) Piotr Kaczka

Bodybuilding enthusiast combining scientific knowledge and experience

You'll understand what bodybuilding is to me when you associate it with the first thing you think about when you open your eyes in the morning and the last thing just before you go to sleep, which electrifies, disturbs but also calms you down. It makes you energetic, soothes (...)

Consulting for business / B2B

A wide range of services always tailored to the individual needs of my clients:

Comprehensive R&D consulting for products in the categories of dietary supplements, functional foods, medical devices and medicinal products

Including their effective marketing and sales and human resource management in these areas, as well as entire advertising campaigns for new products.

Dietary Supplements / Foods for Special Medical Purposes / Medical Devices

  • consultations on the marketability of the product in question,
  • Product registration in the Polish market (GIS notifications) and in selected foreign markets,
  • Preparation of the necessary documents required for product notification,
  • Assistance in the preparation of attractive (based on behavioral finance psychotechnics) labels that comply with current regulations
  • Medicinal Products

  • Regulatory Affairs Consulting,
  • conducting registration procedures for Medicinal Products
  • On behalf of the responsible entity,
  • conducting re-registrations,
  • Development of selected sections of registration documentation.
  • life science

    Dietary, training, supplementation and endocrinology care

    Comprehensive, personalized dietary, training, supplementation and endocrinological care for physically active people (professionals and amateurs). For those wishing to enjoy full health!

    A well-planned diet is the cure for all diseases

    Diet, but only a personalized one, based on the latest literature, is effective and is the basis for the success of any athlete or physically inactive person.

    Well-arranged, it is a cure-all for all diseases and disorders in the body and gives a pass to the effective use of training programs, supplementation and pharmacological support (if necessary).


    Training arranged for physical and time capabilities

    Training selected for the patient's training goal, arranged for the physical and time capabilities of the person concerned, supervised by a certified instructor of bodybuilding class II.

    Always demanding and slightly exceeding the patient's expectations to achieve a sustainable training goal as soon as possible. Impeccable technique is his quintessence, which is conveyed during personal training sessions.

    Supplementation fully assimilated in terms of diet plan goals

    Supplementation always compiled on products of the highest quality, safety, based on ingredients free of banned doping or not approved for use Fully assimilated in terms of the objectives of the diet plan and increase its effectiveness.

    Highest effectiveness with minimal side effects

    Pharmacology (applies to men and women) is to help restore the body's equilibrium after unskillful use of prohibited doping, guidance in the appropriate (highest effectiveness with minimal side effects) use of pharmacological agents under the supervision of an experienced doctor only.

    The health and satisfaction of patients always comes first for me!

    The best evidence of my work is the results - the satisfaction of my patients. Below are customer reviews from Google.

    Patient feedback



    based on 22 opinions

    Verified ownerVerified owner
    1 month ago
    Pawel Balcerzak
    Verified ownerVerified owner
    3 months ago
    Arnold K.
    Verified ownerVerified owner

    Well ticked 😉

    1 year ago
    Monica C.
    Verified ownerVerified owner

    The product itself is difficult for me to evaluate because I have only been using it for less than a week.

    1 year ago
    Maciej T.
    Verified ownerVerified owner

    I tested the product and working 12/24 hours, and during endurance training. Very cool effect of focus, "fresh head" and pushing back fatigue. I recommend.

    1 year ago

    Steel Durance

    [trustindex no-registration=google].

    Interview with Dr. Piotr Kaczka on TVP

    An artificial gastrointestinal tract to help test the bioavailability of dietary supplements. Enables the study of microbiota, which regulates physiological processes in the body.
    Play Video

    Ask a question

    I am happy to answer questions from my patients. The answers are published on my website in the questions & answers section.

    Throw me to the wolves and I'll come back commanding the PACK!